For your consideration..
I've got nothing to say today except that maybe you might want to try out these films which I really enjoyed. Some films you know, some films you don't. I won't tell you how the story goes, because to be honest, I can't recall most of it, just the best bits. In fact I think I have to see these again. Most of these are British films, some are serious stuff and if you're squeamish, just look away now (well except for the first one)..
1. Muriel's Wedding - if you love Abba (like me), you'll love this.. I don't really watch a lot of chick flick, but this one is a hit. Bridget Jones, Aussie style.
2. The Full Monty - this film catapulted Robert Carlyle to stardom, I think. It's a story of 6 unemployed Sheffield (somewhere in the north of England, near Barnsley, where nunu's mum is) steel workers , in their quest to make ends meet, stripteased, Full Monty.. fave bit - "the hot stuff"..
3. The Adventures of Priscilla , the Queen of the desert- another Aussie film. Well, this one I've seen the other night, for the first time and I lurrvve it. See Hugo Weaving (of Matrix fame) , Guy Pearce (Memento) and Terence Stamp ( a famous British bloke) do their stuff.. Warning: some scenes may offend homophobics and Pinoys..
4. Sexy Beast - Gangster film, London style. If you saw Ben Kingsley as Gandhi, then see him in this film and tell me which you shocked be shocked..
5. Ravenous - Now this is about cannibalism. I forgot the plot, I have to see it again, sorry.. But I assure you this is a great film, and I Have a thing for Robert Carlyle..
6. Talk to her- a Spanish film by Pedro Almodovar. If you don't mind reading subtitles or you have a grasp of the language, give this one a try. The emphasis of the film is on the 2 male characters with the 2 female leads spending most of their time in a vegetative state. This is a very thought provoking film..
7. 28 Days Later- another gory, if not the goriest, film. This is a great sci-fi horror film; think Day of the Triffids, in real time. So if you like horror films, this one is not to be missed.