Thursday, January 25, 2007

This is just a tribute.. part I

Hello boys and girls, haven't been around for sometime because oldboy (the laptop) has decided it had enough of abuse from the members of this household. We tried to rescue it but it seemed to have given up, after 10 years. The husband is still hopeful though; he thinks there is still life left in it (yeah, knowing him)..

I can still remember that Sunday afternoon, after a slap up meal, I turned the oldboy on, nothing. Not even the popping and humming that goes on for about 7 minutes before its fully functional. At first I thought, "Ohmigod, Jade Goody's put the mockers on me." Maybe she found a way through the oldboy, you know, like that film, the ghost in the machine. Creepy.

So I called the husband, try and figure out what's happening. But still nothing. Kaput. After about an hour (more or less) of sighing and blaming (of whoever's dunnit), we decided that we give it a rest. We know anyway its bound to happen sooner rather than later.

Time to give Dell a call.

And we did, too. It only took us 2 hours on what PC to get and this time we opted to have a desktop instead. And after 4 days, here I am writing this. It's not that we got money to spare, it's just that this is our lifeline (thank goodness for the plastic!). Can't live without computers (ie internet) nowadays, as we all know.. but that's another blog story.

So long, oldboy.. Here comes.. dellboy..
