Saturday, January 06, 2007

Ten Things I'd never do

A few days ago I was tagged by niceheart, for the first time, about this topic. Thanks niceheart, its an honor.

  1. Cross the Carrick-a-rede bridge. I've been persuaded a lot of times, everytime we go to Northern Ireland in the summer. For the life of me, I can't. Too scared of heights.
  2. Buy from a door to door salesman. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.
  3. Smoke and drink too much booze. We all know its bad.. its bad.
  4. Wear skimpy clothes that will outline my bits and bobs. Maybe if I have the body like Eva Longoria or Kelly Brook I would, but I do not.
  5. Eat Marmite. They got an advert here that says, "you either hate it or love it", in my case I loathe it.
  6. Dance in a Ballroom. I've got 2 left feet ( I can sing though).
  7. Work as a traffic warden. I don't want to be hated by everyone in Britain," I don't know how they sleep at night".
  8. Make a complete cock-up of myself. Like joining big brother, X-factor or other tv reality shows that will embarass my family and me, of course. That's what's great about blogging, I'm a total unknown.
  9. Diet. Doesn't work for me, I love my food. I have an exercise regime though; it works.
  10. Say never again. I think this is a good one, niceheart, so snap on this one :)

If I'm right, this is called a meme (two months ago, I didn't know what it meant) . Can honestly say "It's good to meme" . Anybody out there who wants to meme me, meme away :).